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Blunix Risk Management

This document describes how to use the components provided with Blunix to reduce the risk of downtime or outages on Debian Linux servers and cloud instances.

Redundant setups

This chapter describes how to failover redundant setups

MariaDB Master-Slave replication

MariaDB can be setup accompanied by the role-mariadb-replication-scripts. The role installs BASH scripts below /root/mariadb-scripts/ on both the master and slave server.

db1: normally the master
db2: normally the slave

The roles BASH scripts are used to:

  • initiate replication: from db1 to db2
  • failover: promote db2 to be a master
  • failback: make db1 the active master again and re-add db2 as a slave

Initializing replication

After installing MariaDB for the first time on both db1 and db2, use this script on db1 to initialize the replication:

# RUN THIS ON DB 1 !!! (master)
root@cus-www-prod-db-1 ~ # cd mariadb-scripts/
root@cus-www-prod-db-1 ~/mariadb-scripts # ./ 

This script:

  • db1: enable read-only mode (SET GLOBAL read_only = 1;)
  • db2: removes and re-creates all of db1's databases
  • db1: mysqldump all databases to db2
  • db2: initiates replication (CHANGE MASTER TO AND START SLAVE)

This means that if replication fails for some reason it can be re-initiated using this script.

Failover - promote slave to be the master

This has to be done in two steps:

First, run the script on DB2 !!!

# RUN THIS ON DB 2 !!! (slave)
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~ # cd mariadb-scripts/
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~/mariadb-scripts # ./

This script will:

  • db1: try to run a SHUTDOWN (with a timeout of 3 seconds)
  • db2: promote to act as master and accept writes

As the second step, you have to update the /etc/hosts entries on the "webworkers" to point (commonly) the db entry to db2. If in doubt, maybe restart php-fpm or uwsgi or similar to make the application workers use the new connections and kill the old ones.

Failback - use db1 as master again and make db2 a slave again

To "fail back", run this script:

# RUN THIS ON DB 1 !!!
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~ # cd mariadb-scripts/
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~/mariadb-scripts # ./

This script will:

  • db1: make db1 think its a master
  • db2: enable read only mode (SET GLOBAL read_only = 1;)
  • db1: removes and re-creates all of db2's databases
  • db2: mysqldump all databases to db1
  • db1: enale slave replication using db2 as a master
  • db1: promote to master
  • db2: run SHUTDOWN

After this script is finished, re-run on db1 to re-attach db2 as a slave.


On db1, to show relevant variables and settings in mysql:

root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~ # cd mariadb-scripts/
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~/mariadb-scripts # ./

Checking if repliction is working:

On db1:

root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~ # cd mariadb-scripts/
root@cus-www-prod-db-2 ~/mariadb-scripts # ./

This script will:

  • db1: create a database called "test"
  • db1: create a table in the "test" database called "test"
  • db1: write the current date to that table
  • db1: SELECT * FROM test
  • sleep 0.5
  • db2: SELECT * FROM test

Example output:

+ mysql --raw --skip-column-names --silent -e 'SELECT * FROM test;' test
2022-01-01 00:00:51
+ sleep 0.5
+ mysql -u root -psecret -h --raw --skip-column-names --silent -e 'SELECT * FROM test;' test
2022-01-01 00:00:51

Make sure that the test date string is replicated to db2.